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Set up basic configuration

Configuration in Open Banking Connector is described in detail here.

To run and get started with Open Banking Connector, some basic configuration settings are required including database settings.

Configuration settings are generally specified via environment variables but can also be specified using command line options. Here we use environment variables.

The simplest way to supply environment variables when running the Open Banking Connector container locally is to place them in a .env file. This file can then be supplied as argument --env-file to docker run. For production, you may have a different way to supply environment variables to a container.

Note that Open Banking Connector uses the .NET convention of replacing ":" with "__" when environment variables are used. So the configuration setting OpenBankingConnector:Database:Provider is set by the environment variable OpenBankingConnector__Database__Provider.

Basic configuration settings

Database settings

Database settings are documented here.

Open Banking Connector requires connection to a PostgreSQL database.

The following environment variables can be used to configure use of a PostgreSQL database:

# Database settings
OpenBankingConnector__Database__Provider=PostgreSql # currently unnecessary as this is the default but recommended for future-proofing
OpenBankingConnector__Database__EnsureDatabaseCreated=true # suggest initially true to allow Open Banking Connector to create database on first use, then later false
OpenBankingConnector__Database__ConnectionStrings__PostgreSql="Host=localhost;Database=test;Username=postgres" # substitute your connection string without password
OpenBankingConnector__Database__PasswordSettingNames__PostgreSql=OpenBankingConnector:Custom:PostgreSqlPassword # substitute name of environment variable providing database password
OpenBankingConnector__Custom__PostgreSqlPassword=placeholder # example arbitrary environment variable that supplies database password

Encryption key settings

Note: this setting should be included after adding an encryption key description so can be skipped for now but please include once you have added an encryption key description.

Encryption key settings are documented here.

Below is the environment variable necessary to configure which encryption key should be used for encryption of sensitive data added to the database.

# Encryption key settings
OpenBankingConnector__Keys__CurrentEncryptionKeyId=MyKeyId # use encryption key description with ID "MyKeyId"

Bank profile settings

Almost all bank profile information is supplied via source code.

However, sometimes important information such as org IDs and URLs cannot be obtained from public sources and is only available to those registered with the UK Open Banking Directory or from bank dev portals. In such cases, extra information needs to be provided to Open Banking Connector via configuration to complete the bank profile definitions.

Important: It is only necessary to provide information that relates to bank profiles you want to use. When using a bank profile for the first time, if any required information from configuration is not available, Open Banking Connector will provide an error with details.

For reference, we list here configuration required to support all current bank integrations.

Please contact us if you need any assistance populating these configuration values.

# Bank profile settings

# Bank group: Barclays
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Barclays__Default__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value

# Bank group: Co-operative
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Cooperative__Default__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value

# Bank group: HSBC
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Hsbc__Default__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value

# Bank group: Lloyds
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Lloyds__MbnaPersonal__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Lloyds__LloydsPersonal__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Lloyds__BankOfScotlandPersonal__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value

# Bank group: Monzo
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Monzo__Monzo__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value

# Bank group: Santander
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Santander__Default__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value

# Bank group: Starling
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Starling__Default__FinancialId=xyz # substitute value

# Sandbox settings (only required if using sandbox bank profiles)
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Lloyds__Sandbox__IssuerUrl=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__Lloyds__Sandbox__PaymentInitiationApi__BaseUrl=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__NatWest__RoyalBankOfScotlandSandbox__PaymentInitiationApi__BaseUrl=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__NatWest__RoyalBankOfScotlandSandbox__IssuerUrl=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__NatWest__RoyalBankOfScotlandSandbox__AccountAndTransactionApi__BaseUrl=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__NatWest__NatWestSandbox__PaymentInitiationApi__BaseUrl=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__NatWest__NatWestSandbox__IssuerUrl=xyz # substitute value
OpenBankingConnector__BankProfiles__NatWest__NatWestSandbox__AccountAndTransactionApi__BaseUrl=xyz # substitute value