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Run the Open Banking Connector container

Once you have set up basic configuration, you are ready to run the Open Banking Connector Docker container.

Open Banking Connector Docker images are available here. The Docker images are produced from the Dockerfile in the source code repo and are now multi-architecture Linux images (support amd64 and arm64). Git tags are used so you can see the exact source code used to create each Docker image.

Releases of Open Banking Connector include a link to the associated image.

You can pull and run the Open Banking Connector container using a command such as:

# Substitute .env file location and Open Banking Connector version in this command
docker run -dt --env-file "<path to .env file>" -p 50000:8080 --name "open_banking_connector" # substitute version for x.y.z

where a .env file is used to supply environment variables (basic configuration).