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Encryption keys settings

Encryption keys are used to encrypt sensitive information such as bank access and refresh tokens stored in the database at application level as part of defence-in-depth. It is assumed and recommended that database at-rest encryption is also used.


Name Valid Values Default Value(s) Description
OpenBankingConnector:Keys:CurrentEncryptionKeyId string - Encryption key to use for encrypting new objects. Specified by key ID.

[Deprecated - please use new endpoints to specify encryption keys]


where string Id is user-defined encryption key ID

string - Encryption key (256-bit) used for symmetric encryption (AES-256-GCM) of sensitive data in database such as bank tokens. Specified as a base64-encoded string.
OpenBankingConnector:Keys:DisableEncryption {"true", "false"} "false" Disable encryption of new objects (not recommended).